Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: September 2024
Generated 30-Sep-2024 20:01 CDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2024
Total Hits 3809519
Total Files 2351341
Total Pages 3306545
Total Visits 11528
Total KBytes 54680717
Total Unique Sites 275
Total Unique URLs 6877
Total Unique Referrers 7621
Total Unique Usernames 178
Total Unique User Agents 3670
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 5290 11976
Hits per Day 126983 179527
Files per Day 78378 109680
Pages per Day 110218 146523
Visits per Day 384 590
KBytes per Day 1822691 3472324
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 2351341
Code 206 - Partial Content 10520
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 352270
Code 302 - Found 2
Code 304 - Not Modified 14957
Code 400 - Bad Request 301
Code 403 - Forbidden 257
Code 404 - Not Found 266164
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 1
Code 408 - Request Timeout 22
Code 410 - Gone 805097
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 8439
Code 501 - Not Implemented 92
Code 502 - Bad Gateway 56

Daily usage for September 2024

Daily Statistics for September 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 127945 3.36% 73024 3.11% 112518 3.40% 419 3.63% 54 19.64% 1397173 2.56%
2 67573 1.77% 37886 1.61% 57267 1.73% 362 3.14% 53 19.27% 1602255 2.93%
3 94913 2.49% 58902 2.51% 85043 2.57% 446 3.87% 53 19.27% 1431712 2.62%
4 149090 3.91% 85500 3.64% 125048 3.78% 356 3.09% 50 18.18% 1545592 2.83%
5 138086 3.62% 84709 3.60% 120785 3.65% 468 4.06% 49 17.82% 1381275 2.53%
6 149007 3.91% 94800 4.03% 130781 3.96% 562 4.88% 48 17.45% 2773235 5.07%
7 144195 3.79% 91824 3.91% 128967 3.90% 491 4.26% 53 19.27% 2144398 3.92%
8 136647 3.59% 83852 3.57% 121154 3.66% 365 3.17% 51 18.55% 1288608 2.36%
9 141255 3.71% 83850 3.57% 124311 3.76% 409 3.55% 52 18.91% 1486023 2.72%
10 140164 3.68% 81976 3.49% 121115 3.66% 508 4.41% 53 19.27% 1668838 3.05%
11 104457 2.74% 63658 2.71% 89557 2.71% 343 2.98% 53 19.27% 1721176 3.15%
12 71815 1.89% 43504 1.85% 55927 1.69% 282 2.45% 50 18.18% 2113772 3.87%
13 51888 1.36% 30820 1.31% 37027 1.12% 275 2.39% 50 18.18% 997931 1.83%
14 98551 2.59% 58782 2.50% 83864 2.54% 297 2.58% 54 19.64% 1298699 2.38%
15 147383 3.87% 91684 3.90% 131264 3.97% 391 3.39% 51 18.55% 2170708 3.97%
16 161759 4.25% 104559 4.45% 146523 4.43% 413 3.58% 52 18.91% 3472324 6.35%
17 134178 3.52% 85871 3.65% 122715 3.71% 374 3.24% 49 17.82% 2213060 4.05%
18 136460 3.58% 86782 3.69% 124410 3.76% 389 3.37% 52 18.91% 1827827 3.34%
19 127788 3.35% 80976 3.44% 117528 3.55% 299 2.59% 50 18.18% 1618728 2.96%
20 123620 3.25% 76014 3.23% 108426 3.28% 402 3.49% 47 17.09% 2174517 3.98%
21 128708 3.38% 82733 3.52% 116252 3.52% 402 3.49% 53 19.27% 2289882 4.19%
22 143707 3.77% 90142 3.83% 130126 3.94% 420 3.64% 46 16.73% 2020572 3.70%
23 133497 3.50% 80832 3.44% 122883 3.72% 313 2.72% 53 19.27% 1229597 2.25%
24 132669 3.48% 82852 3.52% 122636 3.71% 498 4.32% 50 18.18% 1504067 2.75%
25 149041 3.91% 89677 3.81% 126720 3.83% 556 4.82% 53 19.27% 1787076 3.27%
26 145907 3.83% 89028 3.79% 131052 3.96% 453 3.93% 50 18.18% 1768309 3.23%
27 129392 3.40% 81664 3.47% 117759 3.56% 390 3.38% 49 17.82% 1388625 2.54%
28 179527 4.71% 109680 4.66% 129104 3.90% 590 5.12% 53 19.27% 2681713 4.90%
29 159705 4.19% 101606 4.32% 118171 3.57% 509 4.42% 51 18.55% 2670715 4.88%
30 60592 1.59% 44154 1.88% 47612 1.44% 202 1.75% 231 84.00% 1012310 1.85%

Hourly usage for September 2024

Hourly Statistics for September 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 5242 157276 4.13% 3271 98145 4.17% 4615 138469 4.19% 84408 2532237 4.63%
1 6011 180354 4.73% 3333 99990 4.25% 5250 157506 4.76% 88609 2658284 4.86%
2 5391 161747 4.25% 3382 101467 4.32% 4720 141621 4.28% 85677 2570311 4.70%
3 5375 161275 4.23% 3384 101535 4.32% 4720 141608 4.28% 86143 2584302 4.73%
4 5185 155563 4.08% 3285 98558 4.19% 4618 138544 4.19% 81345 2440365 4.46%
5 5219 156583 4.11% 3331 99943 4.25% 4694 140825 4.26% 83830 2514911 4.60%
6 5187 155616 4.08% 3278 98347 4.18% 4616 138507 4.19% 81015 2430436 4.44%
7 5169 155083 4.07% 3265 97974 4.17% 4592 137766 4.17% 78490 2354688 4.31%
8 5048 151441 3.98% 3177 95320 4.05% 4541 136239 4.12% 76688 2300628 4.21%
9 5076 152308 4.00% 3190 95719 4.07% 4531 135959 4.11% 77336 2320085 4.24%
10 5109 153282 4.02% 3215 96450 4.10% 4527 135839 4.11% 77034 2311021 4.23%
11 5406 162202 4.26% 3340 100201 4.26% 4614 138434 4.19% 77909 2337262 4.27%
12 5309 159271 4.18% 3237 97136 4.13% 4503 135097 4.09% 71853 2155602 3.94%
13 5389 161694 4.24% 3312 99362 4.23% 4607 138234 4.18% 73832 2214971 4.05%
14 5482 164482 4.32% 3324 99730 4.24% 4605 138168 4.18% 75615 2268443 4.15%
15 5457 163734 4.30% 3334 100029 4.25% 4581 137440 4.16% 73910 2217302 4.05%
16 5356 160693 4.22% 3251 97540 4.15% 4531 135954 4.11% 67069 2012063 3.68%
17 5347 160436 4.21% 3235 97065 4.13% 4561 136855 4.14% 65845 1975362 3.61%
18 5314 159440 4.19% 3239 97176 4.13% 4491 134751 4.08% 62743 1882304 3.44%
19 5278 158361 4.16% 3198 95950 4.08% 4486 134590 4.07% 59508 1785250 3.26%
20 5141 154252 4.05% 3141 94230 4.01% 4354 130624 3.95% 63238 1897126 3.47%
21 5157 154710 4.06% 3189 95690 4.07% 4484 134525 4.07% 70551 2116545 3.87%
22 5161 154834 4.06% 3216 96494 4.10% 4494 134842 4.08% 76456 2293670 4.19%
23 5162 154882 4.07% 3243 97290 4.14% 4471 134148 4.06% 83585 2507550 4.59%

Top 30 of 6877 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1546622 40.60% 140648 0.26% /
2 77120 2.02% 10322654 18.88% /statistics/site-2117/usage_201409.html
3 54305 1.43% 549485 1.00% /statistics/site-2091/
4 38768 1.02% 393887 0.72% /statistics/site-2117/
5 36374 0.95% 842142 1.54% /events.pml
6 31900 0.84% 548350 1.00% /community-calendar.pml
7 30613 0.80% 16963 0.03% /robots.txt
8 30098 0.79% 3570836 6.53% /statistics/site-2117/usage_202409.html
9 29846 0.78% 302470 0.55% /statistics/site-2125/
10 29667 0.78% 301024 0.55% /statistics/site-2115/
11 27423 0.72% 278084 0.51% /statistics/site-2096/
12 27156 0.71% 276222 0.51% /statistics/site-2104/
13 27014 0.71% 272958 0.50% /statistics/site-2131/
14 25002 0.66% 3321287 6.07% /statistics/site-2091/usage_201409.html
15 24878 0.65% 3312839 6.06% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201409.html
16 24609 0.65% 3288621 6.01% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201604.html
17 13072 0.34% 127238 0.23% /site/view/75226_Guestbook.pml
18 12606 0.33% 1670133 3.05% /statistics/site-2116/usage_201506.html
19 12500 0.33% 1647969 3.01% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201506.html
20 12492 0.33% 1638772 3.00% /statistics/site-2131/usage_201506.html
21 12428 0.33% 1632351 2.99% /statistics/site-2091/usage_201506.html
22 12215 0.32% 201503 0.37% /calendar.pml
23 11105 0.29% 1305236 2.39% /statistics/site-2104/usage_202409.html
24 11101 0.29% 1295983 2.37% /statistics/site-2125/usage_202409.html
25 7395 0.19% 887757 1.62% /statistics/site-2131/usage_202409.html
26 7341 0.19% 888035 1.62% /statistics/site-2156/usage_202409.html
27 7322 0.19% 890700 1.63% /statistics/site-2143/usage_202409.html
28 4565 0.12% 46181 0.08% /statistics/site-2116/
29 4286 0.11% 43496 0.08% /statistics/site-2156/
30 3175 0.08% 319186 0.58% /statistics/site-2091/usage_202409.html

Top 10 of 6877 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 77120 2.02% 10322654 18.88% /statistics/site-2117/usage_201409.html
2 30098 0.79% 3570836 6.53% /statistics/site-2117/usage_202409.html
3 25002 0.66% 3321287 6.07% /statistics/site-2091/usage_201409.html
4 24878 0.65% 3312839 6.06% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201409.html
5 24609 0.65% 3288621 6.01% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201604.html
6 12606 0.33% 1670133 3.05% /statistics/site-2116/usage_201506.html
7 12500 0.33% 1647969 3.01% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201506.html
8 12492 0.33% 1638772 3.00% /statistics/site-2131/usage_201506.html
9 12428 0.33% 1632351 2.99% /statistics/site-2091/usage_201506.html
10 11105 0.29% 1305236 2.39% /statistics/site-2104/usage_202409.html

Top 10 of 325 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1546622 40.60% 5313 48.08% /
2 77120 2.02% 1610 14.57% /statistics/site-2117/usage_201409.html
3 12500 0.33% 1159 10.49% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201506.html
4 24878 0.65% 496 4.49% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201409.html
5 25002 0.66% 344 3.11% /statistics/site-2091/usage_201409.html
6 12606 0.33% 246 2.23% /statistics/site-2116/usage_201506.html
7 24609 0.65% 240 2.17% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201604.html
8 12492 0.33% 201 1.82% /statistics/site-2131/usage_201506.html
9 12428 0.33% 169 1.53% /statistics/site-2091/usage_201506.html
10 30098 0.79% 103 0.93% /statistics/site-2117/usage_202409.html

Top 10 of 534 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1546622 40.60% 6537 67.50% /
2 38768 1.02% 226 2.33% /statistics/site-2117/
3 29667 0.78% 214 2.21% /statistics/site-2115/
4 77120 2.02% 207 2.14% /statistics/site-2117/usage_201409.html
5 29846 0.78% 206 2.13% /statistics/site-2125/
6 54305 1.43% 160 1.65% /statistics/site-2091/
7 27014 0.71% 159 1.64% /statistics/site-2131/
8 27156 0.71% 152 1.57% /statistics/site-2104/
9 30098 0.79% 103 1.06% /statistics/site-2117/usage_202409.html
10 25002 0.66% 94 0.97% /statistics/site-2091/usage_201409.html

Top 30 of 275 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 825673 21.67% 789119 33.56% 917209 1.68% 2045 17.74%
2 819957 21.52% 789389 33.57% 574574 1.05% 891 7.73%
3 780146 20.48% 13595 0.58% 1683664 3.08% 1331 11.55%
4 97528 2.56% 48303 2.05% 2729700 4.99% 347 3.01%
5 92490 2.43% 66295 2.82% 3656466 6.69% 449 3.89%
6 76363 2.00% 50834 2.16% 3318583 6.07% 353 3.06%
7 75774 1.99% 27191 1.16% 2653175 4.85% 224 1.94%
8 75680 1.99% 27245 1.16% 2584501 4.73% 213 1.85%
9 75643 1.99% 49353 2.10% 2857390 5.23% 334 2.90%
10 74468 1.95% 46331 1.97% 2134767 3.90% 276 2.39%
11 71566 1.88% 45398 1.93% 2486526 4.55% 292 2.53%
12 68628 1.80% 28700 1.22% 341558 0.62% 21 0.18%
13 66248 1.74% 40182 1.71% 2944243 5.38% 237 2.06%
14 59940 1.57% 53611 2.28% 5884685 10.76% 286 2.48%
15 57176 1.50% 40121 1.71% 3327352 6.09% 115 1.00%
16 52592 1.38% 25626 1.09% 2572709 4.70% 234 2.03%
17 51230 1.34% 23802 1.01% 2327322 4.26% 227 1.97%
18 47027 1.23% 40251 1.71% 4326746 7.91% 185 1.60%
19 44525 1.17% 16258 0.69% 273064 0.50% 94 0.82%
20 41347 1.09% 15209 0.65% 364040 0.67% 79 0.69%
21 38822 1.02% 11769 0.50% 269186 0.49% 39 0.34%
22 33591 0.88% 15045 0.64% 764280 1.40% 405 3.51%
23 25942 0.68% 227 0.01% 33608 0.06% 433 3.76%
24 23571 0.62% 18230 0.78% 1832871 3.35% 88 0.76%
25 23409 0.61% 19598 0.83% 2215182 4.05% 179 1.55%
26 20635 0.54% 10965 0.47% 231524 0.42% 152 1.32%
27 19329 0.51% 7011 0.30% 281690 0.52% 131 1.14%
28 17140 0.45% 123 0.01% 26128 0.05% 1 0.01%
29 15720 0.41% 15667 0.67% 0 0.00% 15 0.13%
30 14908 0.39% 10111 0.43% 533983 0.98% 135 1.17%

Top 10 of 275 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 59940 1.57% 53611 2.28% 5884685 10.76% 286 2.48%
2 47027 1.23% 40251 1.71% 4326746 7.91% 185 1.60%
3 92490 2.43% 66295 2.82% 3656466 6.69% 449 3.89%
4 57176 1.50% 40121 1.71% 3327352 6.09% 115 1.00%
5 76363 2.00% 50834 2.16% 3318583 6.07% 353 3.06%
6 66248 1.74% 40182 1.71% 2944243 5.38% 237 2.06%
7 75643 1.99% 49353 2.10% 2857390 5.23% 334 2.90%
8 97528 2.56% 48303 2.05% 2729700 4.99% 347 3.01%
9 75774 1.99% 27191 1.16% 2653175 4.85% 224 1.94%
10 75680 1.99% 27245 1.16% 2584501 4.73% 213 1.85%

Top 30 of 7621 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 470610 12.35% - (Direct Request)
2 236060 6.20%
3 235897 6.19%
4 110345 2.90%
5 110277 2.89%
6 110253 2.89%
7 110213 2.89%
8 110202 2.89%
9 110197 2.89%
10 110121 2.89%
11 110108 2.89%
12 110001 2.89%
13 109968 2.89%
14 109957 2.89%
15 109946 2.89%
16 109932 2.89%
17 109930 2.89%
18 109886 2.88%
19 109841 2.88%
20 109791 2.88%
21 109772 2.88%
22 109618 2.88%
23 109510 2.87%
24 27323 0.72%
25 16236 0.43%
26 15223 0.40% https://xn----htbk0aietd.xn--p1ai
27 13604 0.36%
28 13462 0.35%
29 11211 0.29%
30 10228 0.27%

Top 1 of 1 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 34 100.00%

Top 20 of 178 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 467 0.01% 467 0.02% 1743 0.00% 1 0.01% - -
2 406 0.01% 406 0.02% 9566 0.02% 2 0.02% - -
3 394 0.01% 394 0.02% 9547 0.02% 2 0.02% - -
4 378 0.01% 378 0.02% 8892 0.02% 1 0.01% - -
5 377 0.01% 377 0.02% 8952 0.02% 1 0.01% - -
6 376 0.01% 376 0.02% 8875 0.02% 1 0.01% - -
7 373 0.01% 373 0.02% 9016 0.02% 2 0.02% - -
8 363 0.01% 363 0.02% 8628 0.02% 1 0.01% - -
9 353 0.01% 353 0.02% 8270 0.02% 2 0.02% - -
10 249 0.01% 249 0.01% 5873 0.01% 1 0.01% - -
11 247 0.01% 247 0.01% 5944 0.01% 1 0.01% - -
12 241 0.01% 241 0.01% 5700 0.01% 2 0.02% - -
13 230 0.01% 230 0.01% 5396 0.01% 3 0.03% - -
14 229 0.01% 229 0.01% 5542 0.01% 1 0.01% - -
15 225 0.01% 225 0.01% 5347 0.01% 1 0.01% - -
16 221 0.01% 221 0.01% 5252 0.01% 1 0.01% - -
17 219 0.01% 219 0.01% 5240 0.01% 2 0.02% - -
18 135 0.00% 135 0.01% 1745 0.00% 1 0.01% - -
19 35 0.00% 35 0.00% 3875 0.01% 1 0.01% - -
20 29 0.00% 29 0.00% 2682 0.00% 1 0.01% - -

Top 15 of 3670 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2303433 60.47% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
2 101801 2.67% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Bytespider; AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Sa
3 93138 2.44% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
4 61826 1.62% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Bytespider; spider-
5 56933 1.49% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
6 49797 1.31% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
7 48052 1.26% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.53 Safari/537.36
8 47705 1.25% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.66 Safari/537.36
9 47670 1.25% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
10 47503 1.25% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
11 33208 0.87% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +
12 31267 0.82% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
13 31041 0.81% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
14 24140 0.63% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
15 24122 0.63% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OpenWave/97.4

Usage by Country for September 2024

Top 5 of 5 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 2630691 69.06% 1684093 71.62% 6900359 12.62% commercial (.com)
2 1126294 29.57% 653636 27.80% 47554588 86.97% network (.net)
3 52523 1.38% 24132 1.03% 225757 0.41% unresolved
4 10 0.00% 0 0.00% 13 0.00% organizations (.org)
5 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Austria

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01